Terms of Use


You are allowed to use this website if you have reached the age of majority where you live. You are allowed to use this website if you can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. You are not allowed to use the website if you live in a jurisdiction where use  of the website in whole or in part may be prohibited or illegal. It is your sole responsibility to determine whether your use of the Website is lawful, and you must comply with all applicable laws.


JamiiExpress has high regards for the intellectual property of everyone. If you think that your intellectual property rights have been infringed on, please contact us immediately at [email protected]We will respond promptly to your concern right away.


Using any form of communication such as emails, text messaging, or any other services to communicate with JamiiExpress, from your mobile device or computer you will be communicating with us electronically.

By communicating with us through any of these medium, you consent to receive communications from us electronically via text, email, mobile notification or other electronic communication services. Copies of all electronic communications may be maintained. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.


JamiiExpress will make every attempt to ensure that descriptions are as accurate as possible. JamiiExpress cannot guarantee that all descriptions or other content is accurate, error free, complete, current or reliable. We may accept returns on products “Sold by JamiiExpress” in the condition which it was purchased in.

JamiiExpress and VENDORS

Parties other than JamiiExpress, sell products through our website. In addition, we provide contact information to other vendors and businesses such as farmers and fishermen. If you purchase any of the products or services offered by these vendors and businesses, you are purchasing directly from those third parties, not from JamiiExpress. JamiiExpress is not responsible for the quality or any other standards of the product, and we do not guarantee any product or service provided by the individuals or business entity. In addition, we provide links to the sites of vendors and business and certain other businesses. 

JamiiExpress is not responsible or liable for any services, products, actions and or content of any individual or business.